As short as I can make it:
I am Sofie Hammerskov - I develop businesses, organizations and people - I can’t stop doing - it’s simply in my nature
For some companies as an INTEGRATED PART OF THE ORGANIZATION, holding a business partner or strategy and development manager function. For other companies more INTERIM FACILITATING workshops and consultations. And again for others a an ACTIVE AND DEVELOPING BOARD MEMBER
I find a great drive in, together lifting organizations, processes, people and companies, and yes results, to a higher level - so, that is what I do! ;-)
On top of my degree as management and manufacturing engineer, I have went furhter into the expertice of strategy, leadership - hereunder also international leadership, lean and nuding. I have worked at and for industrial companies, health care companies, service companies and also a lot in agricultural and foodprocessing companies. Companies in different stages - entrepreneurs, small and middle sized, as well as large driven international companies.
I am a dane and lives in Denmark, but I also hold a large international experience from many years also living abroad. Especially large EXPERIENCE WITHIN CENTRAL AND EAST-EUROPE, and a big heart for Ukraine, where I lived and developed businesses for 7 years.
DANISH WAY ABROAD - for international companies
And speaking of my experiences abroad, I have on the page DANISH-WAY-ABROAD.COM formulated more about how it is I am working the danish way with international companies abroad
- how to help getting the strong benefits of the Danish Way of Leadership and Organizational development - adapted to other cultures and countries
Feel free to jump in and read more
3 KEY QUESTIONS I find very relevant for a STRONG ORGANIZATION creating STRONG, developing RESULTS
1. The overall direction - Are the efforts going in to the right and aligned direction?
2. The necessary and very giving involvement - are there power in the organization, is 2+2=5?
3. The critical implementation or pull through - where things are actually happening and ships coming in to habour. Are the solutions simple and easy for our human behavior and instincts, meaning realistics? And are they followed up so we don’t fall back, but acutally gets the results…? 70% procent of projects or improvement efforts are not…
An important “By the Way” note
Since 24th of february 2022, I have engaged in a intiatiave together with other passionated, professional people, the project HELP-UKRAINE.NU. Check it out
My beliefs
“Udvikling eller afvikling” is a danish saying, which you properly would translate to Develop or Die. In this faster and faster changing world and circumstances we are living in, we have to be alive and awake - all the time challenging our self to keep climbing, celebrating our sucesses, but then finding a new mountain to climb - staying hungry!
If you want to have strong, continuosly improving results, you have to have a strong organization who continously develop. You may reach some quick results by a one or two key persons, but if you want to grow your company, these one or two will not be enough a some point. You need more to pull on all the tasks needed to climp up the mountains. Not just hands, but clever ideas, head, initiatives -and you get that if you involve.
This website here is ment as a short presentation of who I am, what I am driven by and for, as well as a look and what I do, and for whom I have done it for.
It is done in English, as I guess most of you danes also understands that. And my other languages such as german, ukrainian, russian and spanish are too poor for a webpage ;-)